The Weekly Daily Signal

Dispatches from YouTube

This is just to sayI have made some YouTube videosthat were in my head

And which you were probably hoping would be writing

Forgive methey were catharticSo weird And so fun

If you’re on Twitter you may already know this, but I have started a small project that I am calling the Daily Daily Signal. Basically, I spend 10-20 minutes each weekday deconstructing a recent conservative article or video and throw it up on YouTube. So far it’s been a very fun motivation for me to keep up with what the conservatives are thinking, and while I think the first couple videos are rocky I feel like I’m hitting some kind of stride.

(the name comes from the Heritage Foundation’s horrible newsletter, the Daily Signal. Originally the conceit was to just focus on that newsletter but the world is full of wonder and I’m casting a wider net)

The video series does not mean I’m giving up on the substack. On the contrary, some of these videos may turn into longer thinkpieces and I think it’ll actually make me more prolific, not lesss.

I will be sending out a Substack on Sunday with a quick summary of what the week’s videos were about in case you feel like watching them. Here’s a summary of what’s happened so far:

  • 6/22/22: Trans Kids and Mental Health

    • My first and somewhat rocky attempt: a deconstruction of a rather odious Daily Signal article on why the statistics about trans kids attempting suicide are actually emotional blackmail against transphobes. Cool stuff! Skip to 4:20 (lol) if you want to miss my weird intro where I pick which article I’m going to cover—this was a concept that got cut immediately

  • 6/23/22: Do 90% Of Americans Oppose Abortion?!!?!!! (no)

    • Hey, remember when Roe v Wade wasn’t overturned but we all knew it would be? This is a shitty Heritage Foundation article about how actually Americans are all in on making abortion illegal. We explore the magic of statistics and the way they can be made to lie.

  • 6/24/22: You're Free To Do What We Tell You

    • Hey, remember the day when Roe v Wade was actually officially overturned? I sure wish I didn’t. This is the video from that day. We talk about that for a little bit and then read an article about the importance of religion in America. According to conservatives, freedom only works if everyone believes in God. Feels like not freedom to me, but that’s exactly the kind of thing a woke commie cancel culture cucked cat-lady feminist would say so idk.

  • 6/27/22: Entering the Woke Zone with Babylon Bee

    • According to the Heritage Foundation, conservatives have embraced humor and lighthearted fun with the Babylon Bee in stark contrast to joyless self-hating communists on the left. To illustrate the difference, I splice the Bee’s incredibly transphobic first episode of the “Woke Zone” in with trans comedians telling jokes about trans people. Who’s funnier? You decide!(it’s the trans comedians by like, a mile)

  • 6/28/22: Riot in the Woke Zone

    • The second part of the Babylon Bee’s “Woke Zone” series is one of the most accidentally on-the-nose thing I’ve ever seen. A protest “comes to town” and the owner of a small drug store sees violent riots while everyone else perceives peaceful protest. Given the stats? He’s as crazy as everyone else thinks he is. It’s great.

  • 6/29/22: Family Destroyed by CRT?!

    • Have you heard about CRTina, the hot new toy for children? In this third and final episode of the Babylon Bee’s Woke Zone, we watch this toy tear a family apart with its horrible racism against white people. Another weirdly on-the-nose video where the man in question hallucinates the doll saying terrible things it simply does not say. We conclude with an odd equivocation between CRT and white supremacists, it’s very cool (it is not cool).

  • 6/30/22: Dan Bongino Reacts to Cassidy Hutchinson's Testimony

    • Have you heard of Dan Bongino? If yes, you already know you’re in for a treat. If no, I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. Either way, grab the beverage of your choice because we’re going to play a drinking game and dive deep into Bongino’s J6 moon logic/self-aggrandizement. This is my favorite video I’ve done so far for whatever that’s worth.

  • 7/1/22: No Daily Daily Signal (Video of The Coup Before The Coup)

    • On days that substacks come out I’ll be doing a YouTube version of those instead of a Daily Daily signal. This was one of those days.I think the intro to that Substack turned a lot of people off and I wish I’d gotten to the point more quickly. If you left after like the 3rd paragraph assuming I don’t think Trump’s attempt to steal the election was serious, you might want to keep going just a little bit longer, because oh boy does it get doomer as fuck.

If this is of interest to you I hope you’ll check it out!

One more thing: I have an incredibly underactive Patreon that developed a couple years ago when I was doing regular YouTube videos. Now that I’m doing them again I’ve resumed shout-outs as a thank you for their support. If you support this Substack with a paid membership and would like a written shout-out, please let me know. Just reply to this email with the name you’d like me to shout out and I’ll add you to the list. Don’t be shy: I appreciate your support more than I can say.

That’s all for now. I will probably write something short and sad about July 4th. Sorry it’s been so doomer around here, but *gestures vaguely at everything*

See you next week!

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